Video Game List

Game list for cataloging everything I've played and my opinions of it. pretty self explanatory.

Rating Key

90-100: Monolithic, groundbreaking game. An unforgettable experience.
80-89: Legendary medium and genre-defining games. One of my absolute favorites.
70-79: Excellent titles that I would recommend to anyone. Has some flaws but is overall a great deal of fun.
60-69: Good titles that I would lightly recommend. Does many things well, but has some glaring weaknesses.
50-59: Serviceable titles that I would recommend to genre fans but feels lacking or inispid in other areas.
40-49: Bad and/or risk adverse games. Usually do more things poorly than well. Avoid.
30-39: Atrocious games that have very few redeeming qualities.
20-29: Pure shovelware, you can feel the lack of inspiration from through the screen.
10-19: Lol, lmao even.

Rating Scale Explanation

My rating scale essentially functions as a simplified way of evaluating a game in all of it's relevant fields. For some categories I added options; this is because obviously you wouldn't judge a Strategy game by it's plot or level design for instance. I attempted to capture the duality between story based video games and gameplay heavy games, rather those be arcade games or extremely in-depth strategy games. The final rating I give a game is the sum of the 10 categories added up together. If you for some reason want to view every single full 10 category rating, you can download this .txt file containing all of them.

• Art Style: Art style encompasses the art you'd find on the box art, the promotional material and sometimes in the game's menus or the game world itself. Basically, what general aesthetic does the game go for and how much do I like it?

• Atmosphere or Controls: Atmosphere encompasses how successfully the game captures the environment it seeks to build. Controls encompass how fluid, intuitive and responsive the controls feel.

• Characters or Mechanics: Characters encompass how much you like the characters and how well developed you feel the overall cast is. Mechanics encompasses the unique game design mechanics the game implements and how well it executes them. You may also give bonus points here for innovative mechanics that very few other games have tried.

• Enjoyment: Enjoyment is how much you enjoyed the game. This is a category I made to basically award bonus points to a game that you feel is worth more than the sum of it's parts.

• Gameplay: Gameplay is how much you enjoyed the gameplay systems in the game. For Visual Novels think of this as the different routes in the game.

• Plot or Replay Value: Plot is how well-written and engrossing you found the story to be. Replay value is intended for games that have no real plot; how much did it keep you coming back and could you see yourself returning to it in the future?

• Polish: Polish is how, well, polished a game feels. Are there a lot of bugs? Are there a lot of glitches or things that just feel like oversights? What's the attention to detail like?

• Sound: Sound is how good you think the OST is as well as the general sound design such as sound effects and their usage. Self explanatory.

• Visuals: Visuals refers to how much you enjoyed the in-game graphics. This is not a question of graphical fidelity; stylized games can score highly here too.

• Level Design or Roleplaying/Immersion: Level design refers to how well-designed you think the levels are. For RPGs, this can basically be viewed as "Dungeon Design" instead. Roleplaying is for games that aren't as focused on levels, how engrossing is the game and how into the world can you get?

• Total Score:

Take me back!

Currently Playing (1)





Date Released

Date Beaten






Shadow Hearts: Covenant ? Emulated JRPG, Horror 2004-02-19 #Moderate #Low Nautilus 1 hr N/A

Stalled (5)





Date Released

Date Beaten






Blue Dragon ? Xbox 360 JRPG 2006-12-07 #Moderate #Low Mistwalker 20 hrs N/A
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 ? Wii Fighting 2006-10-05 2010-??-?? #Moderate #Low Spike ?? N/A
Earthbound ? Emulated JRPG 1995-06-05 N/A #Moderate !High Ape 5 hrs N/A
Fate stay/night ? PC Visual Novel 2004-01-30 N/A #Low !High Type Moon 40 hrs N/A
Skies of Arcadia ? Dreamcast JRPG 2000-11-13 N/A !Easy !High Overworks 28 hrs N/A
Xenogears ? Emulated JRPG 1998-10-20 N/A @Medium !High Square 39 hrs N/A

Completions (152)





Date Released

Date Beaten






Age of Civilzations II 59/100 PC Strategy 2018-11-21 2019-??-?? $Easy #Low Lukasz Jakowski 673 hrs N/A
Angry Birds 49/100 Mobile Puzzle 2009-12-11 2013-??-?? $Easy #Low Rovio Mobile ?? N/A
Battlefield Hardline 53/100 Xbox One First-Person Shooter 2015-03-17 2017-??-?? #Moderate #Low Visceral Games ?? N/A
Beautiful Katamari 78/100 Xbox 360 Action, Puzzle 2007-10-16 2022-??-?? #Moderate #Low Namco ?? N/A
Big Bang Mini 62/100 Nintendo DS Action, Shmup 2009-01-21 2009-??-?? #Moderate #Low Arkedo Studio ?? N/A
Cannon Spike 65/100 Dreamcast Multi-Directional Shooter 2000-11-14 2021-02-03 !Very Hard #Low Psikyo 4 hrs N/A
Chaos;Child 76/100 Nintendo Switch Visual Novel 2014-12-18 2022-12-13 $Easy #Low 5pb 23 hrs N/A
Chaos;Head 94/100 PC (Laptop) Visual Novel 2008-03-21 2022-02-04 $Easy @Medium 5pb 18 hrs
Notes Need to replay this with the Noah content & get the other routes.
Cities Skylines 79/100 PC City Builder 2015-03-10 2019-??-?? #Moderate @Medium Colossal Order 56 hrs N/A
Corpse Party: Book of Shadows 65/100 PC Visual Novel 2013-01-15 2014-??-?? $Easy #Low Team GrisGris ?? N/A
Counter Strike: Global Offensive 80/100 PC First-Person Shooter 2013-01-15 2014-??-?? @Hard @Medium Valve 1512 hrs N/A
Crazy Taxi 68/100 Dreamcast Action 1999-02-?? 2020-12-18 $Easy #Low Hitmaker ?? N/A
Crazy Taxi 2 71/100 Dreamcast Action 2001-05-28 2020-12-18 $Easy #Low Hitmaker ?? N/A
Crimzon Clover 53/100 PC Shmup 2011-01-01 2021-10-25 @Hard #Low Yotsubane 1.3 hrs N/A
Cruis'n Blast 47/100 Arcade Racing 2021-09-14 2022-06-20 $Easy #Low Raw Thrills ?? N/A
Cruis'n USA 57/100 Emulated Racing 1994-11-?? 2023-01-05 #Moderate #Low Midway ?? N/A
Crusader Kings II 87/100 PC Strategy 2012-02-14 2024-09-16 @Hard !High Paradox 134 hrs
Notes Complete Farahid Empire/Zoroastrian Persia game.
Vandal Empire North Africa game 867.
Holy Columbian Confederacy game in After The End Fan Fork Deposed, using triangle character.
Hundred Years War start date, conquer France as England.
Mongol Empire game
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc 83/100 Emulated Visual Novel, Adventure 2010-11-25 2020-10-18 #Moderate $Low Spike Chunsoft 26 hrs N/A
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair 86/100 Nintendo Switch Visual Novel, Adventure 2012-07-26 2020-10-18 #Moderate $Low Spike Chunsoft 30 hrs N/A
Daytona USA 58/100 Sega Saturn Racing 1994-04-?? 2021-??-?? #Moderate $Low Sega AM2 ?? N/A
Deal or No Deal 31/100 Nintendo DS Trivia 2006-11-06 2008-??-?? $Easy $Low Gravity-i ?? N/A
Deathsmiles 84/100 Xbox 360, PC Shmup 2010-06-29 2021-??-?? !Very Hard !High CAVE 21 hrs
Notes I would like to achieve my first 1CC here in the near future, as this is my favorite shmup and it is fairly beginner friendly.
Dementium II 70/100 Nintendo DS Horror 2010-05-04 2011-??-?? #Moderate $Low Renegade Kid ?? N/A
Dementium: The Ward 66/100 Nintendo DS Horror 2007-10-01 2009-??-?? #Moderate $Low Renegade Kid 23 hrs N/A
Destiny 2 64/100 PC First-Person Shooter 2017-09-06 2018-??-?? #Moderate $Low Bungie 80 hrs N/A
Die Hard Arcade 75/100 Sega Saturn Beat Em Up 1997-03-18 2022-??-?? @Hard @Medium Sega AM1 ?? N/A
DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou 77/100 PC Shmup 2002-04-05 2021-06-20 !Very Hard @Medium CAVE ?? N/A
Doki Doki Literature Club! 62/100 PC Visual Novel 2017-09-22 2017-??-?? $Easy #Low Team Salvato ?? N/A
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 55/100 Xbox One Fighting 2015-02-24 2016-??-?? #Moderate #Low Dimps ?? N/A
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 83/100 Wii Fighting 2006-10-05 2010-??-?? #Moderate #Low Spike ?? N/A
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 69/100 Xbox 360 Fighting 2010-11-02 2011-??-?? #Moderate #Low Spike ?? N/A
Dynamite Cop 69/100 Dreamcast Beat Em Up 1999-11-03 2021-12-28 #Moderate #Low Sega AM1 ?? N/A
Europa Universalis IV 46/100 PC Beat Em Up 2013-08-13 2020-??-?? @Hard #Low Paradox 45 hours N/A
Excite Truck 50/100 Wii Racing 2006-11-19 2011-??-?? #Moderate #Low Monster Games ?? N/A
Excitebots: Trick Racing 71/100 Wii Racing 2009-04-20 2011-??-?? #Moderate #Low Monster Games ?? N/A
F-Zero GX 85/100 Wii Racing 2003-08-25 2022-05-19 @Hard @Medium Amusement Vision ?? N/A
F-Zero X 70/100 Nintendo Switch Racing 1998-10-26 2023-01-03 #Moderate #Low Nintendo EAD ?? N/A
Forza Motorsport 6 65/100 Xbox One Racing, Simulation 2015-09-15 2016-??-?? #Moderate #Low Turn 10 Studios ?? N/A
Gaball Screen 71/100 Nintendo Switch Exploration 1996-12-06 2022-08-30 $Easy #Low Antinos Records ?? N/A
Game Dev Story 63/100 Mobile Simulation 2010-10-09 2015-??-?? $Easy #Low Kairosoft ?? N/A
Garry's Mod 54/100 PC Sandbox 2010-10-09 2019-??-?? $Easy #Low Facepunch Studios ?? N/A
Ghost of Tsushima 79/100 Playstation 4 Action, Open World 2020-06-17 2021-02-26 #Moderate #Low Sucker Punch Productions ?? N/A
Grand Theft Auto V 68/100 Xbox One Action, Open World 2013-09-17 2016-??-?? #Moderate #Low Rockstar ?? N/A
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars 70/100 Nintendo DS Action, Top-Down 2009-03-17 2009-??-?? #Moderate #Low Rockstar ?? N/A
Harmful Park 71/100 Emulated Shmup 1997-02-14 2021-06-09 #Moderate #Low Sky Think Systems ?? N/A
Hearts of Iron IV 58/100 PC Strategy 2016-06-06 2020-??-?? @Hard #Low Paradox 69 hrs N/A
Jamestown+ 72/100 PC Shmup 2011-06-08 2020-12-29 @Hard #Low Final Form Games ?? N/A
Jet Grind Radio 77/100 Dreamcast Action, Platformer 2000-06-29 2021-??-?? @Hard #Low Smilebit ?? N/A
Jet Set Radio Future 88/100 Xbox Action, Platformer 2002-02-25 2021-??-?? #Moderate #Low Smilebit ?? N/A
Ketsui DEATH LABEL 50/100 Nintendo 3DS Shmup 2008-10-23 2022-07-12 #Moderate #Low CAVE ?? N/A
Koikatsu Party 62/100 PC Sandbox 2019-06-10 2022-01-04 $Easy #Low Illusion ?? N/A
LSD Dream Emulator 87/100 Emulated Exploration 1998-10-22 2017-??-?? $Easy #Low Asmik Ace ?? N/A
M&M's Kart Racing 19/100 Nintendo DS Racing 2007-10-25 2009-??-?? #Moderate #Low Frontline Studios ?? N/A
Mad Games Tycoon 71/100 PC Simulation 2015-01-05 2021-04-03 #Moderate #Low Eggcode 36 hrs N/A
Mad Games Tycoon 2 77/100 PC Simulation 2021-01-21 2021-05-06 #Moderate #Low Eggcode 120 hrs N/A
Madden NFL 12 (Wii) 56/100 Wii Sports 2011-08-30 2012-??-?? #Moderate #Low EA Tiburon ?? N/A
Madden NFL 12 75/100 Xbox 360 Sports 2011-08-30 2022-??-?? #Moderate @Medium EA Tiburon ??
Notes I want to sit down and commit to a long Panthers franchise on this game due to the presence of Rookie Cam. The main roadblock I'm having is that in doing so, I can't draft Luke but maybe I'll create him as a player or something. Idk. Feels kinda cheap though.
Madden NFL 13 38/100 Xbox 360 Sports 2011-08-28 2012-??-?? #Moderate #Low EA Tiburon ?? N/A
Madden NFL 15 42/100 Xbox One Sports 2014-08-26 2014-??-?? #Moderate #Low EA Tiburon ?? N/A
Madden NFL 16 40/100 Xbox One Sports 2015-08-25 2015-??-?? #Moderate #Low EA Tiburon ?? N/A
Madden NFL 17 43/100 Xbox 360 Sports 2016-08-23 2016-??-?? #Moderate #Low EA Tiburon ?? N/A
Madden NFL 18 39/100 Xbox One Sports 2017-08-25 2017-??-?? #Moderate #Low EA Tiburon ?? N/A
Madden NFL 19 25/100 Xbox One Sports 2018-08-10 2018-??-?? #Moderate #Low EA Tiburon ?? N/A
Madden NFL 20 34/100 Xbox One Sports 2019-08-02 2019-??-?? #Moderate #Low EA Tiburon ?? N/A
Madden NFL 25 (2013) 48/100 Xbox 360 Sports 2013-08-27 2013-??-?? #Moderate #Low EA Tiburon ?? N/A
Madden NFL 25 (2013) 49/100 Xbox One Sports 2013-08-27 2013-??-?? #Moderate #Low EA Tiburon ?? N/A
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story 78/100 Nintendo DS JRPG 2009-09-14 2009-??-?? #Moderate #Low AlphaDream ?? N/A
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games 59/100 Wii Sports, Party 2009-10-13 2011-??-?? #Moderate #Low Sega Sports R&D ?? N/A
Mario Kart 64 54/100 Emulated Racing 2009-10-13 2020-??-?? #Moderate #Low Nintendo EAD ?? N/A
Mario Kart 7 66/100 Nintendo 3DS Racing 2011-12-04 2011-??-?? #Moderate #Low Nintendo EAD ?? N/A
Mario Kart 8 72/100 Wii U Racing 2014-05-30 2014-??-?? #Moderate #Low Nintendo EAD ?? N/A
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe 78/100 Nintendo Switch Racing 2017-04-28 2017-??-?? #Moderate #Low Nintendo 800 hrs N/A
Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 63/100 Arcade Racing 2007-03-14 2013-??-?? #Moderate #Low Namco ?? N/A
Mario Kart DS 79/100 Nintendo DS Racing 2005-11-14 2008-??-?? #Moderate #Low Nintendo EAD ?? N/A
Mario Kart: Double Dash 77/100 Gamecube Racing 2003-11-17 2011-??-?? #Moderate #Low Nintendo EAD ?? N/A
Mario Kart: Super Circuit 66/100 Emulated Racing 2001-08-11 2017-??-?? #Moderate #Low Nintendo EAD ?? N/A
Mario Kart Wii 96/100 Wii Racing 2008-04-16 2010-??-?? #Moderate !High Nintendo EAD 1000-2274 hrs
Notes Quite a few unfinished goals here, but the two most pressing ones are getting a 1:36.6xx on Desert Hills and a 1:58/2nd WW on Peach Gardens.
Mario Party 8 59/100 Wii Party 2007-05-29 2010-??-?? #Moderate #Low Hudson Soft ?? N/A
Mario Party DS 63/100 Nintendo DS Party 2007-11-19 2008-??-?? #Moderate #Low Hudson Soft ?? N/A
Mario Sports Mix 72/100 Wii Party 2011-02-07 2011-??-?? #Moderate #Low Square Enix ?? N/A
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis 72/100 Nintendo DS Puzzle 2006-09-25 2009-??-?? #Moderate #Low Nintendo ?? N/A
Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk 59/100 PC Visual Novel 2020-08-26 2022-01-09 $Easy #Low Nikita Kryukov ?? N/A
Minecraft 72/100 PC Sandbox, Survival 2011-11-18 2012-??-?? #Moderate #Low Mojang ?? N/A
Mushihimesama 63/100 PC Shmup 2004-10-12 2021-12-27 @Hard #Low CAVE ?? N/A
MySims Racing 61/100 Nintendo DS Racing 2009-06-12 2021-12-27 #Moderate #Low EA Games ?? N/A
NBA 2K15 69/100 Xbox One Sports 2014-10-07 2015-??-?? #Moderate #Low Visual Concepts ?? N/A
NBA 2K16 74/100 Xbox One Sports 2015-09-29 2015-??-?? #Moderate #Low Visual Concepts ?? N/A
NBA 2K17 74/100 Xbox One Sports 2016-09-20 2016-??-?? #Moderate #Low Visual Concepts ?? N/A
NBA 2K18 52/100 Nintendo Switch Sports 2017-09-14 2017-??-?? #Moderate #Low Visual Concepts ?? N/A
NBA 2K20 63/100 Xbox One Sports 2019-09-06 2019-??-?? #Moderate #Low Visual Concepts ?? N/A
NBA Live 15 26/100 Xbox One Sports 2014-11-28 2015-??-?? #Moderate #Low EA Tiburon ?? N/A
NCAA Football 14 89/100 Xbox 360, PC Sports 2013-07-09 2021-11-01 #Moderate !High EA Tiburon ??
Notes Finish the 2015 season in my Duke death penalty dynasty. Need to get a dedicated stat tracker as well. Might bring back that shrine idea one day.
Needy Streamer Overload 78/100 PC Visual Novel, Simulation 2022-01-21 2022-04-02 $Easy #Low WSS playground 5 hrs N/A
New Super Mario Bros. 74/100 Nintendo DS Platformer 2006-05-15 2008-??-?? #Moderate #Low Nintendo EAD ?? N/A
Panzer Dragoon II Zwei 74/100 Emulated Rail Shooter 1996-03-22 2020-11-09 #Moderate #Low Team Andromeda ?? N/A
Panzer Dragoon Orta 84/100 Xbox Rail Shooter 2002-12-19 2020-11-09 @Hard #Low Smilebit ?? N/A
Panzer Dragoon Remake 58/100 Nintendo Switch Rail Shooter 2020-03-26 2020-11-24 @Hard #Low MegaPixel Studio ?? N/A
Panzer Dragoon Saga 92/100 Emulated JRPG 1998-04-30 2025-03-09 #Moderate #Low Team Andromeda 18 hrs
Notes A true masterpiece in every sense of the word.
Will be replaying this on my Saturn once I get a Saroo.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door 89/100 Wii JRPG 2004-10-11 2020-??-?? #Moderate #Low Intelligent Systems ?? N/A
Planetarian: Chiisana Hoshi no Yume 72/100 Nintendo Switch Visual Novel 2004-11-29 2022-04-29 $Easy #Low Key ?? N/A
Plants vs. Zombies 47/100 Mobile Tower Defense 2009-05-05 2013-??-?? $Easy #Low PopCap Games ?? N/A
Pong 58/100 Emulated Tower Defense 1972-11-29 2017-??-?? #Moderate #Low Atari ?? N/A
Prizefighters 58/100 Mobile Sports ??-??-?? 2019-??-?? #Moderate #Low Koality ?? N/A
PuLiRuLa 61/100 Nintendo Switch Beat Em Up 1991-??-?? 2022-07-31 #Moderate #Low Taito ?? N/A
Rainbow Cotton 49/100 Dreamcast Rail Shooter 2000-01-20 2022-01-09 #Moderate #Low Success ?? N/A
Realm of the Mad God 56/100 PC MMO 2010-01-?? 2012-??-?? #Moderate #Low Wild Shadow Studios ?? N/A
Red Dead Redemption 77/100 Xbox 360 Action 2010-05-18 2022-12-05 #Moderate #Low Rockstar ?? N/A
Remember 11: The Age of Infinity 68/100 NIntendo Switch Visual Novel 2004-03-18 2022-04-21 $Easy #Low KID ?? N/A
Rez 69/100 Dreamcast Rail Shooter, Rhythm 2001-11-21 2022-04-21 #Moderate #Low United Game Artists ?? N/A
Rivals of Aether 75/100 PC Platform Fighter 2015-09-22 2020-??-?? #Moderate #Low Dan Forance ?? N/A
Roblox 61/100 PC MMO 2006-??-?? 2012-??-?? #Moderate #Low Roblox Corporation ?? N/A
Run 59/100 PC Platformer 2008-10-20 2014-??-?? #Moderate #Low player_03 ?? N/A
Run 2 63/100 PC Platformer 2008-10-20 2014-??-?? #Moderate #Low player_03 ?? N/A
Shadow Hearts 88/100 Emulated JRPG, Horror 2001-06-28 2020-12-16 #Moderate #Low Sacnoth ?? N/A
Shenmue 76/100 Dreamcast Adventure 1999-12-29 2021-??-?? #Moderate #Low Sega AM2 ?? N/A
Shenmue II 87/100 Dreamcast Adventure 2001-09-06 2021-??-?? #Moderate #Low Sega AM2 ?? N/A
Sid Meier's Civilization V 70/100 PC Strategy 2010-09-21 2017-??-?? #Moderate #Low Firaxis Games 242 hrs N/A
Slap Happy Rhythm Busters 67/100 Nintendo Switch Fighting 2000-06-29 2022-07-31 #Moderate #Low Polygon Magic ?? N/A
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed 79/100 PC Racing 2012-11-18 2020-??-?? #Moderate #Low Sumo Digital ?? N/A
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing 65/100 Nintendo DS Racing 2010-02-23 2010-??-?? #Moderate #Low Sumo Digital ?? N/A
Sonic Adventure 73/100 Dreamcast Platformer, Action 1999-09-06 2022-03-09 #Moderate #Low Sonic Team ?? N/A
Sonic Free Riders 46/100 Xbox 360 Racing 2010-11-04 2012-??-?? #Moderate #Low Sonic Team ?? N/A
Sonic Generations 69/100 PC Racing 2011-11-01 2020-??-?? #Moderate #Low Sonic Team ?? N/A
Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) 61/100 Emulated Platformer 1991-07-26 2020-??-?? #Moderate #Low Sonic Team ?? N/A
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 70/100 Emulated Platformer 1992-11-21 2020-??-?? #Moderate #Low Sonic Team ?? N/A
Soulcalibur 63/100 Dreamcast Fighting 1999-09-09 2020-12-07 #Moderate #Low Namco ?? N/A
Soulcalibur VI 61/100 PC Fighting 2018-10-18 2019-??-?? #Moderate #Low Bandai Namco ?? N/A
Steins;Gate 90/100 PC (Laptop) Visual Novel 2009-10-15 2022-01-17 $Easy #Low 5pb ?? N/A
Stick War 59/100 PC Strategy 2009-08-29 2011-??-?? #Moderate #Low Jason Whitham/Brock White ?? N/A
StreetPass Mii Plaza - Find Mii 59/100 Nintendo 3DS Adventure 2011-03-27 2011-??-?? $Easy #Low Nintendo ?? N/A
Super Mario Bros. 3 80/100 Emulated, Wii Platformer 1988-10-23 2011-??-?? #Moderate #Low Nintendo ?? N/A
Super Mario Bros. 35 52/100 Nintendo Switch Platformer 2020-10-01 2020-11-24 #Moderate #Low Arika ?? N/A
Super Mario Kart 52/100 Emulated Racing 1992-08-27 2019-??-?? #Moderate #Low Nintendo EAD ?? N/A
Super Mario Maker 68/100 Wii U Platformer, Sandbox 2015-09-11 2016-??-?? #Moderate #Low Nintendo EAD ?? N/A
Super Mario Maker 2 74/100 Nintendo Switch Platformer, Sandbox 2019-06-28 2020-??-?? #Moderate #Low Nintendo EPD ?? N/A
Super Smash Bros. Brawl 78/100 Wii Platform Fighter 2010-01-31 2010-??-?? #Moderate #Low Nintendo ?? N/A
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS 64/100 Nintendo 3DS Platform Fighter 2014-09-14 2014-??-?? #Moderate #Low Sora, Bandai Namco ?? N/A
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U 67/100 Nintendo 3DS Platform Fighter 2014-11-21 2015-??-?? #Moderate #Low Sora, Bandai Namco ?? N/A
Super Smash Bros. Melee 74/100 Wii Platform Fighter 2001-11-21 2012-??-?? #Moderate @Medium HAL Laboratory ??
Notes I am interested in getting into this game but it is such a time investment that I am scared off.
I've also never been good at Smash. Maybe one day though.
I love games where you have a ton of control over your movement.
Super Smash Bros Ultimate 74/100 Nintendo Switch Platform Fighter 2018-12-07 2018-??-?? #Moderate #Low Sora, Bandai Namco 370 hrs N/A
Team Fortress 2 70/100 PC FPS 2007-10-09 2013-??-?? #Moderate #Low Valve 175 hrs N/A
The House of the Dead 2 66/100 Dreamcast Rail Shooter 1999-03-25 2020-12-14 #Moderate #Low Wow Entertainment ?? N/A
The Legendary Starfy 71/100 Nintendo DS Platformer 2008-07-10 2009-??-?? #Moderate #Low Tose ?? N/A
Touhou Koumakyou ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil 66/100 PC Shmup 2002-11-08 2022-08-17 #Moderate #Low Team Shanghai Alice ?? N/A
Triggerheart Exelica 68/100 Dreamcast Shmup 2006-05-?? 2020-??-?? @Hard #Low Warashi Gulti ?? N/A
Victoria II 92/100 PC Strategy 2010-08-13 2019-12-?? @Hard !High Paradox 849 hrs
Notes Tall Scandinavia in Crimeamod
Vietnam game in Crimeamod
Redo Mughal Empire game in HPMP
Virtua Cop 63/100 Sega Saturn Rail Shooter 1995-12-?? 2022-??-?? #Moderate #Low Sega AM2 ?? N/A
Wii Sports 61/100 Wii Sports, Party 2006-12-02 2010-??-?? $Easy #Low Nintendo EAD ?? N/A
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 79/100 Nintendo Switch JRPG, Action 2006-12-02 2022-08-30 #Moderate #Low Monolight Soft 50 hrs N/A

Dropped (23)





Date Released

Date Beaten






Call of Duty: Ghosts 31/100 Xbox 360 First-Person Shooter 2013-11-05 #Low Infinity Ward ?? N/A
Chrono Trigger 41/100 Emulated JRPG 1995-08-22 #Low Square ?? N/A
Cuphead 58/100 PC Run and Gun, Platformer 2017-09-29 #Low Studio MDHR ?? N/A
Don't Starve Together 46/100 PC Survival 2014-12-15 #Low Klei Entertainment ?? N/A
Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi 31/100 Xbox 360 Fighting 2011-10-25 #Low Spike ?? N/A
Drakengard 3 59/100 Playstation 3 Action 2014-12-15 #Low Access Games ?? N/A
Final Fantasy XV 50/100 Xbox One Action 2016-11-29 #Low Square Enix ?? N/A
Kid Icarus Uprising 68/100 Nintendo 3DS Action 2012-03-22 @Medium Project Sora ??
Notes May revisit this in the future.
Really enjoyed everything except the controls.
L.O.L.: Lack of Love 54/100 Dreamcast Survival 2000-11-02 #Low Love-de-Lic ?? N/A
Mega Man Legends 63/100 Emulated Adventure 1997-12-18 #Low Capcom ?? N/A
New Super Mario Bros. U 50/100 Wii U Platformer 2012-11-18 #Low Capcom ?? N/A
Overwatch 45/100 PC First-Person Shooter 2016-05-23 #Low Blizzard ?? N/A
Paper Mario: Sticker Star 36/100 Nintendo 3DS JRPG 2012-11-11 #Low Intelligent Systems ?? N/A
Portal 2 50/100 PC Puzzle 2011-04-19 #Low Valve ?? N/A
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood 39/100 Nintendo DS JRPG 2008-08-06 #Low Bioware ?? N/A
Sonic Colors 45/100 Nintendo Wii Platformer 2010-11-15 #Low Sonic Team ?? N/A
Super Mario 64 DS 50/100 Nintendo DS Platformer 2004-12-02 #Low Nintendo EAD ?? N/A
Terraria 47/100 PC Adventure 2011-05-16 #Low Re-Logic ?? N/A
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 41/100 Nintendo Switch Open-World 2017-03-03 #Low Nintendo EPD ?? N/A
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass 42/100 Nintendo DS Adventure 2007-08-01 #Low Nintendo EAD ?? N/A

Plan To Play (90)





Date Released

Date Beaten






13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim ? Nintendo Switch Adventure, Strategy 2020-09-22 #Low Vanillaware ?? N/A
Anno 1800 ? PC Strategy, Simulation 2019-04-20 @Medium Blue Byte ?? N/A
Baldr Sky ? PC Action, Visual Novel 2009-03-27 #Low Blue Byte ?? N/A
Black Souls II ? PC JRPG ??-??-?? #Low Eeny Meeny Miny Moe ?? N/A
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk ? PC Action, Platformer 2023-08-18 !High Team Reptile ?? N/A
Chrono Cross ? Emulated JRPG 1999-11-18 #Low Square ?? N/A
Chu-Teng ? PC Point and Click 1995-10-?? #Low OutSide ?? N/A
Cosmology of Kyoto ? PC Adventure 1995-11-30 #Low Softedge ?? N/A
Crusader Kings III ? PC Strategy 2020-09-01 #Low Softedge ?? N/A
Deus Ex ? PC Action, WRPG 2000-06-23 @Medium Ion Storm ?? N/A
Dies Irae ? PC Visual Novel 2007-12-21 @Medium light ?? N/A
Dragon Ball Sparking Zero ? PC Fighting 2024-10-11 @Medium Spike Chunsoft ?? N/A
Dragon Force ? Sega Saturn JRPG, Strategy 1996-03-29 !High Sega ?? N/A
Dragon Force II ? Sega Saturn JRPG, Strategy 1998-04-02 #Low Sega ?? N/A
Dragon Quest XI ? Xbox One JRPG 2019-09-21 #Low Square Enix ?? N/A
Espgaluda II ? Emulated Shmup 2005-11-25 @Medium CAVE ?? N/A
ESPN NFL 2K5 ? Xbox Sports 2004-07-20 @Medium Visual Concepts ?? N/A
Ever17: The Out of Infinity ? Switch Visual Novel 2005-12-20 @Medium KID ?? N/A
Fallout: New Vegas ? PC WRPG, FPS 2010-10-19 @Medium Obsidian ?? N/A