Take me back!
02-03-2025: Added 4 links. Fixed some stupid glitches/inconsistencies in the graphics directory, made the flag counter look better. |
01-29-2025: Added 24 links, added 3 fanlistings, replaced the browsing tips page with the new site info page, which includes an extensive site history section. Re-imported a bunch of stuff from past versions of the site, most of which can be found in misc articles but also re-added some things to the graphics area. Fixed the font on my self insert webring widget, added custom emoticons to my chat |
01-22-2025: Added 39 links, added 2 fanlistings, fixed my webring widget, finished the misc articles page, wrote a short guide on setting up subdomains through Neocities, edited the footer, removed the control panel from the sitemap and made the cursive header redirect to the index page. |
01-19-2025: Added 22 links, added a total count to the links page. Joined (hopefully, pending my acceptance) 13 fanlistings, which are listed on my profile. Changed the site's background image, updated webring widget. |
01-16-2025: Added 6 links. Switched my custom fonts over to .ttf files instead of the hacky .woff workaround I'd been using. Changed my cursor to a .cur file. Re-organized the front page; deleted the "Games" page, repurposed the "Shrines" directory into "Projects" which contains highly unfinished stuff, changed some front page icons, added a couple new banners, opened a new poll, replaced most of the statistics that I don't feel like manually updating with a flag counter. |
01-07-2025: Added 5 links, changed a few other small things on the profile, reorganized some things, finally fixed the broken css on the 404 page, and wrote a blog entry. |
01-02-2025: Changed name to MayDB. This is the last time, I swear! I'm actually quite fond of this name and plan on settling down with it. To cement my commitment, I got a proper domain name as well to go along with it. Updated my 88x31 button, and added 5 links as well. |
12-24-2024: Added 15 new links, updated my timesheet. |
12-16-2024: Finished my timesheet, the sitemap, re-imported and partially rewrote my NCAA 14 Triple Option Guide, added a few more links, changed my favicon, and changed a few of my 88x31 buttons around. |
12-12-2024: Wrote "If a tree falls in the woods and nobody hears it" blog post. |
12-11-2024: Added a lot of stuff to the Links page. |
10-07-2024: Took a long gap but I've been working at this slowly since the last one. Got the graphics, football, and video games sections into a functional state but I want to eventually add some individual flare to them. Added some pics to the graphics section. Finished my general article page and importing Brett's MH guide. Added Links category and some friends' buttons. Made a blog and wrote my first post. Created the layout for the Hooville shrine. Added the browsing tips page and re-added the dice. Feel like I've got the site in a state where I can begin working on stuff, yay. |
02-28-2024: Finished general games page layout and reviews/mods subcategories, Finished general lists page layout and re-imported games list, added music diary and entries, imported a music list from RYM that needs to have some things changed about it (including adding sortable tables), made a dedicated update log, re-organized the front page and about me (this should now hopefully look somewhat right on firefox), made a new 88x31 button, and updated webring widget. |
02-15-2024: So yeah, my computer finally shit itself after 6 years and I had to go a while without one, of which I thought I was dying at several points. So elated to be back on the web. This also gave me time to think out what I wanna do with this place more thoroughly, so I'll be able to resume updating soon. Oh yeah, and I'm moving to a proper update log so now I'll be able to type a lot more in these. Yay! |
12-11-2023: Completed Shrines page layout, re-imported lists, edited About me layout some more. |
12-02-2023: Completed About Me page layout, some tweaks here and there. |
11-28-2023: Complete website overhaul from scratch. Only the front page completed as of now. |
07-29-2023: Revamped the front page for the 20th time. |
10-18-2022: Wrote triple option guide for NCAA 14 page |
10-14-2022: Video games category completed, custom cursor added to the index and vault. |
10-12-2022: Football and Vault buttons are both clickable and work. Added guestbook. Revamped football page layout and made the category functional. |
10-11-2022: Revamped the main page with a chat box, more statistics, and a featured pages section. Added temporary link to the old version of the website while update is in progress. |
04-22-2022: General cleanup of terrible noob code, made the dice which leds to random easter eggs. |
04-14-2022: Finished nav. bar in the vault. |
04-13-2022: Added Page titles and a favicon. |
04-11-2022: Changed site name, general reorganizations, edited the made page, and made a new error page. |
01-14-2022: Fixed buttons on VG and TC pages, other small things |
01-13-2022: Completed the Tropical Cyclone main page |
11-20-2021: Created the main page for the video games section |
11-12-2021: Created an Article on Cam Newton's return, more temporary landing pages |
11-03-2021: Added my personal media lists to the website |
10-29-2021: Finished 19th Century Brutality article, small CSS changes on Football page. Added 88x31 buttons and the Credits page. |
10-27-2021: Created temporary landing pages, made minor edits to front page. |
10-22-2021: Started on "Why is Football named Football?" article |
10-21-2021: HTML/CSS edits on front page |
10-20-2021: Added Update Log, Site Info and overhauled page designs. |
10-14-2021: Completed design of the Football page |
10-12-2021: Completed the 1888 Yale Bulldogs article |
10-08-2021: Edited the front page |
10-06-2021: Began actual work on the site with front page's creation |
09-26-2021: Created the site |